If you are noticing that your pets cling to the windows and seem to be moping around more than usual, it may be time for a change for you and them. If your windows are not as good as they once were and you think they may need to be replaced, now is the time to do so. Your pets need sunlight to be happy and healthy just like you. Indoor pets also need to be able to look outside and see what is happening in the world around them. Here are some ways replacement windows in Aptos, CA can help improve your pet’s health and happiness.


Windows that are broken, glazed over, or damaged and hidden by curtains don’t allow in enough light to make your pets happy or healthy. They need sunshine for normal activities and many of them enjoy the warmth. You have probably caught your pet lying in a sunny spot on the floor. Even in the winter pets will often look for the sunshine. If you get new windows, your pets will be able to enjoy your windows more and spend more time in their favorite sunny spots.


Pets that are stuck inside all day or most of the day often get bored. They need stimulation to stay smart and healthy. If they can’t be outside, being able to see outside is the next available option. Your pet enjoys looking outside and seeing people, cars, and other animals nearby. They may even enjoy watching the seasons and you have probably seen the following things with their eyes such as leaves, insects, and even rain. It gives them a glimpse of the outside world, which is something they need and will appreciate.

replacement windows in Aptos, CAAnxiety

If your pet has bad anxiety, it could be due to being cooped up inside all day. If they have a hard time when you leave, it could help them to be able to look out the windows and know when you are coming back. Being distracted by other things outside the windows can also help them pass the time more easily and not feel so lonely. When they see you pull away, they will understand you are leaving and when you return they will be able to get excited and know when to expect you. This can help keep them calm and let them know that you always come back.

If you are wondering if you should get replacement windows in Aptos, CA after a wildfire, the answer is yes. You and your pets deserve to have nice windows that you can enjoy the view from. If your windows were damaged by a fire, you can get new ones. Just call Lighthouse Windows. We have a large selection of windows and we are happy to help you choose the right ones. Give us a call today to learn more about our windows and get help finding the ones that are best for you.

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