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If you have recently purchased replacement windows in Santa Cruz, CA because your home was lost or damaged in the California wildfires and you are worried that your cats may spend a lot of time in them and even tear them up, you might be looking for some ways to keep them out. You have a lot of options and keeping your cats off your windows could help ensure they last longer and look great for their lifetime. Here are some tips that can help you keep your cats off your new windows so they last a long time and look nice.


You can put things in your window to keep your cats from getting in them. You don’t want to do anything that might make your cats feel unsafe, you just want to discourage them from being in the windows. You can find various things that can scare or startle the cat when they get in the windows so they will relate them to something bad and avoid them. The cats will realize that they are going to have to put up with this any time they go to get in the windows and they will find a different place to sit.


Cats don’t like things that feel strange to them or touch their sensitive paws. You might not want to add a lot of obstacles to your windows but you might be able to add some textured things that work just as well. You can use things such as Velcro, aluminum foil, or anything that makes an odd sound or feels weird to the cat when it jumps on it. The cat will eventually stop getting in the window and you will be able to stop putting things in the windows.


You will likely want to have curtains in your windows for lighting and privacy purposes, but they can also help prevent your cats from getting inside them. You can try long curtains that the cats won’t be able to get through or climb. You can also try one heavy curtain that blocks the windows so the cats don’t see them and won’t think about getting inside them. You can also secure the curtains to your walls so the cats can’t get into them easily.

replacement windows in Aptos, CA

Fires have impacted many areas in California and if you have been impacted you may have recently purchased new windows. If you are worried that your cat is going to make your new replacement windows in Santa Cruz, CA its new home and possibly shed on them and scratch at them, you may be looking for ways to keep them out of them. You have a lot of different options for doing this and the above are just a few of them. You may also want to come up with other ways to keep your windows in good condition. If you need help choosing the right replacement windows for your home, be sure to reach out to Lighthouse Windows, We are here to help with all your window needs.

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